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Feminist AF Review

If there was a book that about feminism that I had read when I was in my teens this is it. I was lucky enought to go to a great school, but I was one of a few people that looked like me, so finding my voice was harder than I expected. I identified as a feminist from an early age, I still am a proud Girl Scout Gold Award recipeient and lifetime member of the organization. That was one of the first times where I learned that I could do whatever I wanted and saw the importance of having a close group of girl friends, but even then I was one of the few black girls in my troop.

This book is a must for all young girls who are feminists, who want to be feminists, or have no idea what feminism is. I’m 36 and not only did I relate to this book, I learned a lot too. While this book is marketed for children, I recommend it be required reading in any middle school, high school, college and graduate school course on feminism.

All of the concepts that are discussed are important but presented in a relatable way. Relatable even for me as being a much older reader than the intended audience. I also loved that throughout the book there are additional resouces. Books to read about some topics, websites to visit and playlists to listen too.

Everything in the book is also inclusive, which I feel is extermly important and something that is typically overlooked. All of subject matter of the book is told and explained from a matter of perspectives and give multiple scenarios. Seeing that the topic of the book is feminism, I love that the authors took the time to do what mainstream feminism does not, and include everyone.

I plan on gifting this book to all of the futue feminsts in my life and will recommend it to all of my friends both women of color and not. I’m thankful that I was able to read this book and learn from it as it will help me grow futher in the feminist movement.

Rating: 5 out of 5.
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