
I Am That Girl Review

As a self-describes self-help book junkie, I will say I wasn’t all that sure about this one. As usual self-help books are marked to be for everyone but if you aren’t of a very demographic group, the advice in the book really isn’t for you. 

And that is how I felt about I Am That Girl until I got to the very end. And I think that is why it took me so long to read it. The advice given in the book is useful, but I’m not sure if any of it will actually work if you aren’t a person of privilege. This is the second book that I have read recently that says you cold call people you admire. I get it, but I wish the advice had been more realistic.

One thing the book was good for was quotes. I’m a bit of a quote junkie; I think I have about 3 different lists of quotes that have stuck out to me or moved me in some way. One day I will do something creative with all of them, but for now they are just in lists. This year I starting putting them together by year. The one quote from the book that will make it on that that list is this one, “Being ‘that girl’ means you are a constant work in progress-you’re willing to be vulnerable, flawed, and compassionate and are someone who stumbles and falls but isn’t afraid to admit her shortcomings in the midst of her magnificence.”

The best way that I can describe 2020 is a dumpster fire, but whenI read the above quote it helped to put somethings in perspective. A lot of the things mentioned have all been things that I have had to deal with this year in some way shape or form. And in someone ways I’m thankful for the immense amount of free time that coronavirus has given to me to focus on ME.

So while in many ways this book was actually useful (for self reflection), I would give this book 3 out of 5 stars just due to the fact that most of the advice doesn’t seem all that practical.

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