I will be honest this isn’t going to be as much of a review as it will be praise for all things Amanda Lovelace. I don’t know how many of you have read her work, but 95% of the times I get chills from it.
I finished her most recent collection in March, but it has taken me until now to be able to fully process what it meant to me. I read it at a time when I was feeling at bit down on myself, and Amanda’s words just put it all into perspective for me.
The words above hit me like a ton of bricks. Empowering myself has been something that I have been working on over the months/years, and seeing those words written out made me realize that working on myself would only benefit those around me. As this pandemic comes to an end I’ve realized that the line they give you on airplanes about putting your oxygen mask on is right. If you are running on an empty tank, there is no way that you can help others around you.