Have you ever just been in a mood and don’t know why? I get like that a lot actually. And when it happens I typically just shut down and don’t want to do anything and going to work itself can be a chore. But this time I decided that I was going to try to find a way to get out my mood. It’s not a good place for me to be in and no one really wants to be around me while I’m in it.
So typicall when I get like this I try to find a book or something that can read to help. I was searching through Libby and I found this one. I’d never heard of it and it just sounded like exactly what I needed for my current situation. The description sounded exactly like wha tI was going through. Was I a bit skeptical because the author didn’t look like me and had a very different lifestyle than me. My fears weren’t warranted. The stories in the book were incredibly relatable and I actually learned alot. I borrowed the book from the library, but I will probably end up buying it so that when I get in future moods I can use the book as a reference in the future.